
FIREWISE is a program sponsored by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG). Members of the NWCG are responsible for wildland fire management in the United States. They represent the USDA-Forest Service, the Department of Interior, the National Association of State Foresters, the U.S. Fire Administration and the National Fire Protection Association. The NWCG’s Wildland/Urban Interface Working Team directs the FIREWISE program.  In Washington State, the program is administered through the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. “The national Firewise Communities program is a multi-agency effort designed to reach beyond the fire service by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, and others in the effort to protect people, property, and natural resources from the risk of wildland fire – before a fire starts. The Firewise Communities approach emphasizes community responsibility for planning in the design of a safe community as well as effective emergency response, and individual responsibility for safer home construction and design, landscaping, and maintenance.”

Living with Fire – A Homeowners guide

Fire Prevention – Defend Your Home

Defensible Space – Prepare Your Home


Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)