Tool Loan

We have the following available for you to check out free of charge to help as you manage your land. Please call 360-385-4105 or email for more information or to reserve tools.

Vinyl Billboard Tarps—to kill weeds. These are 14′ by 48′ 9oz weight vinyl. Contact Sierra at or 360-316-6498 if you are interested in borrowing tarps.

Weed Wrench—Scotch broom is a big problem in the Pacific Northwest. This invasive weed is dangerous to humans and livestock, suppresses other plant species’ growth, and actually alters the nutrient composition of the soil. Eradication is difficult but it is possible and very important—you can help! We currently have one weed wrench available for you to borrow to pull out Scotch broom and other woody invasive weeds on your property. Contact Sierra at or 360-316-6498.

Be sure to consult the Jefferson County Noxious Weed Control Board for guidance regarding noxious weeds on your property and best management practices.

Soil Probe—Use this to collect samples for soil testing. We do not currently accept soil samples, but you can submit them directly to the lab. Contact Sierra at or 360-316-6498 to ask about borrowing soil testing equipment.


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